Microcontroller Tutorials and Smart Home Projects
I am Christopher and on my blog I want to share my knowledge about microcontroller and smart home projects.
Scroll down find a lot of tutorials that helps you to build new projects.
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ESP32 tutorial: What do you have to know about the ESP32 microcontroller?
ESP32 Tutorial: What do you have to know about the ESP32 microcontroller? There is a follow-up model of the ESP8266, a very powerful microcontroller with

How to reduce the ESP8266 power consumption?
How to reduce the ESP8266 power consumption? With the different power saving modes, you can reduce the power consumption of your ESP8266 by 64%. If

Arduino Desktop IDE Guide
Arduino Desktop IDE Guide In this article you learn step by step how you install the Arduino Desktop IDE on your computer. Moreover I show

Arduino Web Editor Guide
Arduino Web Editor Guide The following article covers the whole Arduino Web Editor. Your learn the advantages and disadvantages of the Arduino Web Editor before
ESP8266 Pinout Overview [ESP-01, NodeMCU, WeMos D1 Mini]
ESP8266 Pinout Overview [ESP-01, NodeMCU, WeMos D1 Mini] The following article give you an overview of the ESP8266 pinout of different boards I use. We

ESP8266 tutorial: What do you have to know about the ESP8266 microcontroller?
ESP8266 Tutorial: What do you have to know about the ESP8266 microcontroller? The following ESP8266 tutorial give you a kick-start in the fundamental knowledge of